In 2020, the Gundam Factory in Yokohama, Japan, unveiled the world's tallest robot. Not only does the 60-foot-tall machine tower over the crowds of people who flock to see it, but it is also capable of movement. The colorful RX-78 Gundam manages to walk, kneel, turn its head, and point to the sky despite weighing 55,500 pounds. Anyone who has not had a chance to witness this mechanical marvel in person has to hurry though, as the Gundam Factory Yokohama has announced that it will be closing at the end of March 2024.
This is sad news for fans of Gundam and robotics. While the attraction has been open since late 2020, the giant model itself began construction back in 2014—ultimately needing six years to complete the complex figure. Understandably, the COVID-19 pandemic brought significant delays to the construction, but the payoff was well worth it when excited visitors were able to see the machine spring to life.
The massive model will be recognizable to Gundam fans, as it is closely based on the character from Yoshiyuki Tomino's and Sunrise's anime series, Mobile Suit Gundam, which debuted in 1979. Gundam has since appeared in well over 50 TV series, movies, video games, and manga. The one constructed at Yokohama was an amazingly realistic copy, and in addition to being able to move, it even featured flashing LED lights that added to the cinematic effect.
You can purchase tickets for February via Gundam Factory's website. It costs ¥1,650 (or about $11.15) per adult and ¥1,100 (approximately $7.43) for children.
The Gundam Factory in Yokohama, Japan, is closing in March 2024.
The attraction features a 60-foot-tall RX-78 Gundam that can walk, kneel, and point to the sky.
If you can't see the Gundam robot in person, then be sure to see how it springs into action in this video:
h/t: [TimeOut]
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