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Kirche am Hohenzollernplatz, Berlin, Germany – Johann Freidrich Höger, 1933, all images via Thibaud Poirier

Sacred Spaces: The Grand Interiors of Modern Churches Across Europe and Japan by Thibaud Poirier

Thibaud Poirier (previously) travels the world photographing the architectural spaces that surround us as we live, sleep, study, and pray. In his most recent series, the French photographer captured the interiors of 29 modern churches across Germany, The Netherlands, France, Denmark, and Japan to see how each city has designed structures of worship within the last century. In Sacred Spaces, Poirier uses the same focal point in each image. The stylistic choice makes it easier to compare the similarities of basic structures such as seating and pulpit placement, while contrasting the differences in interior design choices such as lighting and color palettes. You can see more modern churches from the series on his website, Instagram, and Behance.

Saint Moritz, Augsburg, Germany - John Pawson, 2013
Saint Moritz, Augsburg, Germany – John Pawson, 2013
Resurrection of Christ, Köln, Germany - Gottfried Böhm, 1957
Resurrection of Christ, Köln, Germany – Gottfried Böhm, 1957
Grundtvigs Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark - Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint, 1927
Grundtvigs Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark – Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint, 1927
Opstandingskerk, Amsterdam - Marius Duintjer, 1956
Opstandingskerk, Amsterdam – Marius Duintjer, 1956
Kapelle, Berlin, Germany - Axel Schultes and Charlotte Frank, 1999
Kapelle, Berlin, Germany – Axel Schultes and Charlotte Frank, 1999
Saint Joseph, Le Havre, France - Auguste Perret, 1956
Saint Joseph, Le Havre, France – Auguste Perret, 1956
Saint Anselm's Meguro, Tokyo, Japan - Antonin Raymond, 1954
Saint Anselm’s Meguro, Tokyo, Japan – Antonin Raymond, 1954
Notre dame du Chêne, Viroflay, France - Louis, Luc and Thierry Sainsaulieu, 1966
Notre dame du Chêne, Viroflay, France – Louis, Luc and Thierry Sainsaulieu, 1966
Saint Mary's Cathedral, Tokyo, Japan - Kenzo Tange, 1964
Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Tokyo, Japan – Kenzo Tange, 1964

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