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a group of seemingly glowing or fluorescing vase sculptures in different colors and pudgy shapes
Group of vessels in the ‘Anthropophorae’ series. All images courtesy of Maxwell Mustardo, shared with permission

Maxwell Mustardo’s Fluorescing Ceramics Merge Ancient Craft with Contemporary Style

Merging disparate reference points like cartoonish figures, fluorescent pigments, and classical vessels, Maxwell Mustardo’s Anthropophorae and Gadroons glow with personality. The New Jersey-based artist (previously) continues to revisit ancient forms that have been endlessly studied and reimagined over subsequent centuries, like amphorae, kraters, and gadrooning that celebrate tapered shapes.

“Searching for new forms is mostly rediscovering old forms,” Mustardo tells Colossal. “One of my favorite aspects of ceramics, and the crafts more broadly, is the evolution of surfaces and forms through their constant appropriation in the aggressive exchange that occurs between individuals, studios, cultures, and time periods.”

a group of seemingly glowing or fluorescing vase sculptures in different colors and globular, gourd-like shapes

The artist often turns to archetypes, from mugs and bottles to mathematical shapes—like the torus—to explore myriad relationships between geometry, material, history, and utility. He adds, “Each form provides various constraints that I can push around against and a web of references to tangle with.”

Mustardo is currently working in the studio of the late Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011), helping the artist’s foundation to establish a residency program for ceramists, fiber artists, and painters. Find more on his website.

a tall, pudgy-looking, bright orange ceramic vessel modeled on an ancient amphorae
“Orange Amphora”
an abstract, globular ceramic vessel in grayish-blue
“Blue & White Krater”
a group of seemingly glowing or fluorescing vase sculptures in different colors and globular shapes
a detail of bright orange lava glaze on a ceramic sculpture
Detail of “Orange Mug”
an installation view of numerous neon-colored ceramic vessels displayed on white pedestals and dramatically lit against a dark background
Installation view of ‘Quasi-Neoclassical-ish’ at Odem Atelier. Photo by Nikodem Calcyznski
a tall, pudgy-looking, bright green ceramic vessel modeled on an ancient amphorae
“Green Amphora.” Photo by Nikodem Calczynski
a group of seemingly glowing or fluorescing vase sculptures in different colors and globular shapes
a detail of purple and blue lava glaze on a ceramic sculpture
Detail of “Blurple Mug”
the artist, Maxwell Mustardo, pictured in his studio among large unglazed ceramic vessels
The artist in his studio in August 2024

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