Stunning Photographs of the New Zealand and Australian Coast
In the course of normal blogging I probably encounter hundreds of landscape photographs in a week, maybe even in a day. Many of them are truly wonderful technical achievements or perhaps they capture a unique moment in time, but it’s rare that I am suddenly gripped with the urge to sell my house, quit my job, and buy a plane ticket to live in the photograph I’m staring at. That would precisely explain my feelings when I encountered these idyllic landscapes shot on the shores around Auckland, New Zealand and Australia by photographer Andrew Smith of Cuba Gallery. To be fair the images have been color corrected a bit and Smith runs a blog called Before & After where he details his process for using Adobe Lightroom to achieve the results. See much more over on Flickr.

Update: This post originally suggested that all images above by Smith were taken in New Zealand. In fact, the 5th image of the rocky boulders is a natural formation known as the Twelve Apostles in Victoria, Australia. Thanks everyone.